Degarelix Accord Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

degarelix accord

accord healthcare s.l.u. - degarelix acetate - neoplasmi prostatiċi - other hormone antagonists and related agents - degarelix accord is a gonadotrophin releasing hormone (gnrh) antagonist indicated:for treatment of adult male patients with advanced hormone-dependent prostate cancer. for treatment of high-risk localised and locally advanced hormone dependent prostate cancer in combination with radiotherapy. as neo-adjuvant treatment prior to radiotherapy in patients with high-risk localised or locally advanced hormone dependent prostate cancer.

Capecitabine SUN Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

capecitabine sun

sun pharmaceutical industries europe b.v. - capecitabine - stomach neoplasms; breast neoplasms; colonic neoplasms; colorectal neoplasms - capecitabine - capecitabine huwa indikat għat-trattament awżiljarju ta 'pazjenti wara kirurġija ta' stadju iii (dukes 'stage-c) kanċer tal-kolon. capecitabine huwa indikat għat-trattament tal-kanċer metastatiku tal-kolorektum. capecitabine huwa indikat għall-kura preferita tal-kanċer gastriku avvanzat flimkien ma ' reġim ibbażat fuq il -. capecitabine flimkien ma 'docetaxel huwa indikat għall-kura ta' pazjenti b'lokalment avvanzat jew tal-kanċer tas-sider metastatiku wara l-falliment tal-kimoterapija ċitotossika. it-terapija ta 'qabel kellha tinkludi anthracycline. capecitabine huwa wkoll indikat bħala monoterapija għall-kura ta 'pazjenti b'lokalment avvanzat jew tal-kanċer tas-sider metastatiku wara l-falliment ta' taxanes u ta 'kors ta' kimoterapija li fihom jew li għalihom l-aktar anthracycline ma tkunx indikata t-terapija.

Docefrez Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


sun pharmaceutical industries europe b.v. - docetaxel - stomach neoplasms; adenoma; breast neoplasms; carcinoma, non-small-cell lung; prostatic neoplasms - aġenti antineoplastiċi - tas-sider cancerdocetaxel flimkien ma 'doxorubicin u cyclophosphamide huwa indikat għall-kura awżiljarja ta' pazjenti b'operabbli node-kanċer tas-sider posittiv. docetaxel flimkien ma 'doxorubicin huwa indikat għat-trattament ta' pazjenti b'avvanzat lokalment jew metastatiku tas-sider tal-kanċer li ma kinux ħadu qabel terapija ċitotossika għal din il-kundizzjoni. b'docetaxel bħala monoterapija hija indikata għat-trattament ta 'pazjenti b'lokalment avvanzat jew tal-kanċer tas-sider metastatiku wara l-falliment ta' terapija ċitotossika. kemjoterapija preċedenti kellha tinkludi anthracycline jew aġent alkilanti. docetaxel flimkien ma 'trastuzumab huwa indikat għat-trattament ta' pazjenti b'kanċer tas-sider metastatiku li t-tumuri tagħhom fuq jesprimu her2, u li preċedentement ma kienux ħadu kimoterapija għall-mard metastatiku. docetaxel flimkien ma 'capecitabine huwa indikat għat-trattament ta' pazjenti b'lokalment avvanzat jew tal-kanċer tas-sider metastatiku wara l-falliment tal-kimoterapija ċitotossika. it-terapija ta 'qabel kellha tinkludi anthracycline. taċ-ċelluli mhux żgħar tal-pulmun cancerdocetaxel huwa indikat għall-kura ta ' pazjenti b'lokalment avvanzat jew metastatiku taċ-ċelluli mhux żgħar tal-pulmun il-kanċer wara l-falliment tal-kimoterapija qabel. docetaxel flimkien ma 'cisplatin huwa indikat għat-trattament ta' pazjenti li ma jistax jitneħħa, avvanzat lokalment jew metastatiku taċ-ċelluli mhux żgħar tal-pulmun il-kanċer, f'pazjenti li ma kinux ħadu qabel terapija ċitotossika għal din il-kundizzjoni. - prostata cancerdocetaxel flimkien ma 'prednisone jew prednisolone huwa indikat għat-trattament ta' pazjenti bl-ormon tat-refrattarji kanċer metastatiku tal-prostata. - istonku adenocarcinomadocetaxel flimkien ma 'cisplatin u 5-fluorouracil huwa indikat għat-trattament ta' pazjenti b'adenokarċinoma gastrika metastatika, inkluż l-adenokarċinoma ta ' l-istonku junction, li ma ħadu l-kimoterapija qabel, għal mard metastatiku. - ras u l-għonq cancerdocetaxel flimkien ma 'cisplatin u 5-fluorouracil huwa indikat għat-trattament induttiv ta' pazjenti b'lokalment avvanzat tal-karċinoma b'ċelloli squamous tar-ras u l-għonq.

Evarrest Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


omrix biopharmaceuticals n. v. - fibrinoġen uman, trombina umana - hemostasi - lokali hemostatics - trattament ta 'sostenn f'operazjoni adulta fejn it-tekniki kirurġiċi standard mhumiex biżżejjed (ara sezzjoni 5. 1):- għat-titjib ta'l-emostażi.

Faslodex Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


astrazeneca ab - fulvestrant - neoplażmi tas-sider - endokrinali it-terapija, anti-estroġeni - faslodex is indicated , as monotherapy for the treatment of estrogen receptor positive, locally advanced or metastatic breast cancer in postmenopausal women:, , not previously treated with endocrine therapy, or, with disease relapse on or after adjuvant antiestrogen therapy, or disease progression on antiestrogen therapy. , , , in combination with palbociclib for the treatment of hormone receptor (hr)-positive, human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (her2)-negative locally advanced or metastatic breast cancer in women who have received prior endocrine therapy. , fil - pre- jew perimenopausal-nisa, il-kombinazzjoni tat-trattament bil-palbociclib għandu jkun ikkombinat ma ' ormon luteinizing releasing hormone (lhrh) agonist.

Opdivo Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


bristol-myers squibb pharma eeig - nivolumab - melanoma; hodgkin disease; carcinoma, renal cell; carcinoma, non-small-cell lung; carcinoma, transitional cell; squamous cell carcinoma of head and neck; urologic neoplasms; mesothelioma; colorectal neoplasms - aġenti antineoplastiċi - melanomaopdivo as monotherapy or in combination with ipilimumab is indicated for the treatment of advanced (unresectable or metastatic) melanoma in adults and adolescents 12 years of age and older. relative to nivolumab monotherapy, an increase in progression free survival (pfs) and overall survival (os) for the combination of nivolumab with ipilimumab is established only in patients with low tumour pd-l1 expression. adjuvant treatment of melanomaopdivo as monotherapy is indicated for the adjuvant treatment of adults and adolescents 12 years of age and older with melanoma with involvement of lymph nodes or metastatic disease who have undergone complete resection. non-small cell lung cancer (nsclc)opdivo in combination with ipilimumab and 2 cycles of platinum-based chemotherapy is indicated for the first-line treatment of metastatic non-small cell lung cancer in adults whose tumours have no sensitising egfr mutation or alk translocation. opdivo as monotherapy is indicated for the treatment of locally advanced or metastatic non-small cell lung cancer after prior chemotherapy in adults. neoadjuvant treatment of nsclcopdivo in combination with platinum-based chemotherapy is indicated for the neoadjuvant treatment of resectable non-small cell lung cancer at high risk of recurrence in adult patients whose tumours have pd-l1 expression ≥ 1%. malignant pleural mesothelioma (mpm)opdivo in combination with ipilimumab is indicated for the first-line treatment of adult patients with unresectable malignant pleural mesothelioma. neoadjuvant treatment of nsclcopdivo in combination with platinum-based chemotherapy is indicated for the neoadjuvant treatment of resectable non-small cell lung cancer at high risk of recurrence in adult patients whose tumours have pd-l1 expression ≥ 1%. renal cell carcinoma (rcc)opdivo as monotherapy is indicated for the treatment of advanced renal cell carcinoma after prior therapy in adults. opdivo in combination with ipilimumab is indicated for the first-line treatment of adult patients with intermediate/poor risk advanced renal cell carcinoma. opdivo in combination with cabozantinib is indicated for the first-line treatment of adult patients with advanced renal cell carcinoma. classical hodgkin lymphoma (chl)opdivo as monotherapy is indicated for the treatment of adult patients with relapsed or refractory classical hodgkin lymphoma after autologous stem cell transplant (asct) and treatment with brentuximab vedotin. squamous cell cancer of the head and neck (scchn)opdivo as monotherapy is indicated for the treatment of recurrent or metastatic squamous cell cancer of the head and neck in adults progressing on or after platinum based therapy. urothelial carcinomaopdivo as monotherapy is indicated for the treatment of locally advanced unresectable or metastatic urothelial carcinoma in adults after failure of prior platinum containing therapy. adjuvant treatment of urothelial carcinomaopdivo as monotherapy is indicated for the adjuvant treatment of adults with muscle invasive urothelial carcinoma (miuc) with tumour cell pd-l1 expression ≥ 1%, who are at high risk of recurrence after undergoing radical resection of miuc. mismatch repair deficient (dmmr) or microsatellite instability-high (msi-h) colorectal cancer (crc)opdivo in combination with ipilimumab is indicated for the treatment of adult patients with mismatch repair deficient or microsatellite instability-high metastatic colorectal cancer after prior fluoropyrimidine based combination chemotherapy. oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma (oscc)opdivo in combination with ipilimumab is indicated for the first-line treatment of adult patients with unresectable advanced, recurrent or metastatic oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma with tumour cell pd-l1 expression ≥ 1%. opdivo in combination with fluoropyrimidine- and platinum-based combination chemotherapy is indicated for the first-line treatment of adult patients with unresectable advanced, recurrent or metastatic oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma with tumour cell pd-l1 expression ≥ 1%. opdivo as monotherapy is indicated for the treatment of adult patients with unresectable advanced, recurrent or metastatic oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma after prior fluoropyrimidine- and platinum-based combination chemotherapy. adjuvant treatment of oesophageal or gastro-oesophageal junction cancer (oc or gejc)opdivo as monotherapy is indicated for the adjuvant treatment of adult patients with oesophageal or gastro-oesophageal junction cancer who have residual pathologic disease following prior neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy. gastric, gastro‑oesophageal junction (gej) or oesophageal adenocarcinomaopdivo in combination with fluoropyrimidine- and platinum-based combination chemotherapy is indicated for the first‑line treatment of adult patients with her2‑negative advanced or metastatic gastric, gastro‑oesophageal junction or oesophageal adenocarcinoma whose tumours express pd-l1 with a combined positive score (cps) ≥ 5.

Tagrisso Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


astrazeneca ab - osimertinib mesilate - karċinoma, pulmun mhux taċ-Ċellula Żgħira - aġenti antineoplastiċi oħra, inibituri tal-proteina kinase - tagrisso as monotherapy is indicated for:- the adjuvant treatment after complete tumour resection in adult patients with stage ib-iiia non-small cell lung cancer (nsclc) whose tumours have epidermal growth factor receptor (egfr) exon 19 deletions or exon 21 (l858r) substitution mutations- the first-line treatment of adult patients nsclc with activating egfr mutations. - the treatment of adult patients with locally advanced or metastatic egfr t790m mutation-positive nsclc. tagrisso as monotherapy is indicated for:- the adjuvant treatment after complete tumour resection in adult patients with stage ib-iiia non-small cell lung cancer (nsclc) whose tumours have epidermal growth factor receptor (egfr) exon 19 deletions or exon 21 (l858r) substitution mutations. - the first-line treatment of adult patients with locally advanced or metastatic nsclc with activating egfr mutations. - the treatment of adult patients with locally advanced or metastatic egfr t790m mutation-positive nsclc.

Pemetrexed Pfizer (previously Pemetrexed Hospira) Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

pemetrexed pfizer (previously pemetrexed hospira)

pfizer europe ma eeig - pemetrexed disodium, pemetrexed disodium hemipentahydrate - carcinoma, non-small-cell lung; mesothelioma - aġenti antineoplastiċi - malignant pleural mesotheliomapemetrexed pfizer in combination with cisplatin is indicated for the treatment of chemotherapy naïve patients with unresectable malignant pleural mesothelioma. non-small cell lung cancerpemetrexed pfizer in combination with cisplatin is indicated for the first-line treatment of patients with locally advanced or metastatic non-small cell lung cancer other than predominantly squamous cell histology. pemetrexed pfizer is indicated as monotherapy for the maintenance treatment of locally advanced or metastatic non-small cell lung cancer other than predominantly squamous cell histology in patients whose disease has not progressed immediately following platinum-based chemotherapy. pemetrexed pfizer is indicated as monotherapy for the second-line treatment of patients with locally advanced or metastatic non-small cell lung cancer other than predominantly squamous cell histology.

Amgevita Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


amgen europe b.v. - adalimumab - arthritis, psoriatic; colitis, ulcerative; arthritis, juvenile rheumatoid; spondylitis, ankylosing; psoriasis; crohn disease; arthritis, rheumatoid - immunosoppressanti - rheumatoid arthritis  amgevita in combination with methotrexate, is indicated for: , the treatment of moderate to severe, active rheumatoid arthritis in adult patients when the response to disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs including methotrexate has been inadequate. , il-kura ta attiva u progressiva severa, artrite rewmatika fl-adulti li ma kienux ittrattati qabel b'methotrexate. ,  amgevita can be given as monotherapy in case of intolerance to methotrexate or when continued treatment with methotrexate is inappropriate. amgevita inaqqas ir-rata ta 'progressjoni tal-ħsara fil-ġogi kif imkejjel permezz ta' x-ray, u jtejjeb il-funzjoni fiżika, meta jingħata flimkien ma ' methotrexate. juvenile idiopathic arthritis polyarticular juvenile idiopathic arthritis amgevita in combination with methotrexate is indicated for the treatment of active polyarticular juvenile idiopathic arthritis, in patients from the age of 2 years who have had an inadequate response to one or more disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (dmards). amgevita jista 'jingħata bħala monoterapija f'kaz ta' intolleranza għal methotrexate jew meta titkompla l-kura b'methotrexate ma tkunx tajba (għall-effikaċja fil-monoterapija ara sezzjoni 5. adalimumab ma ġiex studjat f'pazjenti li għandhom inqas minn 2 snin. enthesitis-related arthritis amgevita is indicated for the treatment of active enthesitis-related arthritis in patients, 6 years of age and older, who have had an inadequate response to, or who are intolerant of, conventional therapy (see section 5. axial spondyloarthritis ankylosing spondylitis (as) amgevita is indicated for the treatment of adults with severe active ankylosing spondylitis who have had an inadequate response to conventional therapy. axial spondyloarthritis without radiographic evidence of as amgevita is indicated for the treatment of adults with severe axial spondyloarthritis without radiographic evidence of as but with objective signs of inflammation by elevated crp and/or mri, who have had an inadequate response to, or are intolerant to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. psoriatic arthritis amgevita is indicated for the treatment of active and progressive psoriatic arthritis in adults when the response to previous disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drug therapy has been inadequate. amgevita inaqqas ir-rata ta 'progressjoni tal-ħsara fil-ġogi periferali kif imkejjel permezz ta' x-ray f'pazjenti b'sottotipi poliartikulari simmetriċi tal-marda (ara sezzjoni 5. 1) u jtejjeb il-funzjoni fiżika. psoriasis amgevita is indicated for the treatment of moderate to severe chronic plaque psoriasis in adult patients who are candidates for systemic therapy. paediatric plaque psoriasis amgevita is indicated for the treatment of severe chronic plaque psoriasis in children and adolescents from 4 years of age who have had an inadequate response to or are inappropriate candidates for topical therapy and phototherapies. hidradenitis suppurativa (hs) amgevita is indicated for the treatment of active moderate to severe hidradenitis suppurativa (acne inversa) in adults and adolescents from 12 years of age with an inadequate response to conventional systemic hs therapy (see sections 5. 1 u 5. crohn’s disease amgevita is indicated for treatment of moderately to severely active crohn’s disease, in adult patients who have not responded despite a full and adequate course of therapy with a corticosteroid and/or an immunosuppressant; or who are intolerant to or have medical contraindications for such therapies. paediatric crohn's disease amgevita is indicated for the treatment of moderately to severely active crohn's disease in paediatric patients (from 6 years of age) who have had an inadequate response to conventional therapy including primary nutrition therapy and a corticosteroid and/or an immunomodulator, or who are intolerant to or have contraindications for such therapies. ulcerative colitis amgevita is indicated for treatment of moderately to severely active ulcerative colitis in adult patients who have had an inadequate response to conventional therapy including corticosteroids and 6-mercaptopurine (6-mp) or azathioprine (aza), or who are intolerant to or have medical contraindications for such therapies. uveitis amgevita is indicated for the treatment of non-infectious intermediate, posterior and panuveitis in adult patients who have had an inadequate response to corticosteroids, in patients in need of corticosteroid-sparing, or in whom corticosteroid treatment is inappropriate. paediatric uveitis amgevita is indicated for the treatment of paediatric chronic non-infectious anterior uveitis in patients from 2 years of age who have had an inadequate response to or are intolerant to conventional therapy, or in whom conventional therapy is inappropriate.

Tecentriq Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


roche registration gmbh - atezolizumab - carcinoma, transitional cell; carcinoma, non-small-cell lung; urologic neoplasms; breast neoplasms; small cell lung carcinoma - aġenti antineoplastiċi - urothelial carcinomatecentriq as monotherapy is indicated for the treatment of adult patients with locally advanced or metastatic urothelial carcinoma (uc):- after prior platinum containing chemotherapy, or - who are considered cisplatin ineligible, and whose tumours have a pd-l1 expression ≥ 5% (see section 5. non-small cell lung cancer tecentriq, in combination with bevacizumab, paclitaxel and carboplatin, is indicated for the first-line treatment of adult patients with metastatic non-squamous non small cell lung cancer (nsclc). in patients with egfr mutant or alk-positive nsclc, tecentriq, in combination with bevacizumab, paclitaxel and carboplatin, is indicated only after failure of appropriate targeted therapies (see section 5. tecentriq, in combination with nab paclitaxel and carboplatin, is indicated for the first line treatment of adult patients with metastatic non-squamous nsclc who do not have egfr mutant or alk positive nsclc (see section 5. tecentriq as monotherapy is indicated for the first-line treatment of adult patients with metastatic non-small cell lung cancer (nsclc) whose tumours have a pd-l1 expression ≥ 50% tumour cells (tc) or ≥ 10% tumour-infiltrating immune cells (ic) and who do not have egfr mutant or alk-positive nsclc (see section 5. tecentriq bħala monoterapija hija indikata għat-trattament ta ' pazjenti adulti b'lokalment avvanzat jew metastatiku nsclc wara l-kimoterapija qabel. patients with egfr mutant or alk positive nsclc should also have received targeted therapies before receiving tecentriq (see section 5. small cell lung cancertecentriq, in combination with carboplatin and etoposide, is indicated for the first-line treatment of adult patients with extensive-stage small cell lung cancer (es-sclc) (see section 5. hepatocellular carcinomatecentriq, in combination with bevacizumab, is indicated for the treatment of adult patients with advanced or unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma (hcc) who have not received prior systemic therapy (see section 5. urothelial carcinomatecentriq as monotherapy is indicated for the treatment of adult patients with locally advanced or metastatic urothelial carcinoma (uc):- after prior platinum containing chemotherapy, or- who are considered cisplatin ineligible, and whose tumours have a pd-l1 expression ≥ 5% (see section 5. non-small cell lung cancertecentriq as monotherapy is indicated for the first-line treatment of adult patients with metastatic non-small cell lung cancer (nsclc) whose tumours have a pd-l1 expression ≥ 50% tumour cells (tc) or ≥ 10% tumour-infiltrating immune cells (ic) and who do not have egfr mutant or alk-positive nsclc (see section 5. tecentriq bħala monoterapija hija indikata għat-trattament ta ' pazjenti adulti b'lokalment avvanzat jew metastatiku nsclc wara l-kimoterapija qabel. patients with egfr mutant or alk positive nsclc should also have received targeted therapies before receiving tecentriq (see section 5. triple-negative breast cancertecentriq in combination with nab-paclitaxel is indicated for the treatment of adult patients with unresectable locally advanced or metastatic triple-negative breast cancer (tnbc) whose tumours have pd-l1 expression ≥ 1% and who have not received prior chemotherapy for metastatic disease.